Researchers have created a low-cost gadget that can absorb carbon dioxide gas selectively while charging. The CO2 may then be discharged in a regulated manner and collected to be reused or safely disposed of as it discharges.
The supercapacitor gadget is the size of a two-pence coin and is manufactured in part from renewable resources such as coconut shells and saltwater.
The supercapacitor, developed by University of Cambridge researchers, might help power carbon capture and storage technology at a reduced cost. Around 35 billion tonnes of CO2 are emitted into the atmosphere each year, and measures to reduce these emissions and solve the climate problem are urgently needed. Carbon capture systems that are now available demand a lot of energy and are costly.
The supercapacitor is made up of two positive and negative charge electrodes. The team attempted cycling from a negative to a positive voltage to lengthen the charging period from prior trials in work headed by Trevor Binford while finishing his Master's degree at Cambridge. The ability of the supercapacitor to trap carbon was boosted as a result of this.
"We discovered that by gently changing the current across the plates, we can collect twice as much CO2 as previously," stated lead researcher Dr. Alexander Forse of Cambridge's Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry.
"Our supercapacitor's charging-discharging technique might utilize less energy than the amine heating procedure now employed in industry," Forse stated. "Our next inquiries will focus on determining and enhancing the precise mechanics of CO2 collection." Then it'll be a matter of scalability."
The findings were published in the journal Nanoscale.
A supercapacitor is comparable to a rechargeable battery, however the two devices store charge differently. A battery stores and releases charge through chemical reactions, but a supercapacitor does not rely on chemical reactions. Instead of relying on the flow of electrons between electrodes, it depends on the movement of electrons between electrodes, which means it takes longer to decay and has a longer lifespan.
"The trade-off is that supercapacitors can't retain as much charge as batteries," said co-author Grace Mapstone, "but for something like carbon capture, we'd choose longevity." "The best thing is that the materials required to manufacture supercapacitors are both inexpensive and plentiful." Carbon from leftover coconut shells is used to make the electrodes.
"We aim to employ materials that are inert, don't hurt the environment, and require less frequent disposal." CO2 dissolves, for example, in a water-based electrolyte, which is essentially saltwater."
This supercapacitor, on the other hand, does not absorb CO2 on its own; it must be charged in order to draw in CO2. When the electrodes get charged, the negative plate sucks in CO2 gas while ignoring other emissions that do not contribute to climate change, such as oxygen, nitrogen, and water. The supercapacitor absorbs carbon while also storing energy using this way.
Dr. Israel Temprano, a co-author on the paper, helped to the effort by creating a gas analysis approach for the device. A pressure sensor responds to variations in gas adsorption in the electrochemical device in this method. The findings from Temprano's research assist to pinpoint the exact process at work inside the supercapacitor during CO2 absorption and release. Before the supercapacitor can be scaled up, it must first understand these mechanics, as well as the potential losses and deterioration paths.
"Because this field of study is so young, the exact mechanism at action within the supercapacitor is yet unknown," Temprano added.
Dr. Forse was awarded a Future Leaders Fellowship, a UK Research and Innovation initiative aimed at fostering the next generation of world-class research and innovation.